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Old 09-28-2001, 10:58 PM   #1
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 3, 2001
Location: Scotch College, Melbourne
Posts: 1,503
Does anyone know the name of the sci-fi movie where this guy gets stranded on a red planet with his alien enemy?
If I remember, these two races are supposed to hate each other but the two of them become friends or something like that..

I dont remember much of the film(I was like..5) but I know there's a part where the human sees a coke can or something in the dust and thinks his people are here to rescue him, till he sees the alien and human skulls around.
Plus the alien dude could give birth and had this..sorta prayer or meditation thing around his neck which contained his religion or philosophy or something.

I know its very vague, but can any of the old timers(heh heh) on the board help me out?

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