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Old 09-28-2001, 06:12 PM   #7
Silver Cheetah
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: July 26, 2001
Location: Brighton, East Sussex, UK
Posts: 1,781
Originally posted by Diogenes Of Pumpkintown:
Just wondering how many of you would describe yourself as Neo Pagan.

I personally think the growth and spread of neo paganism is exactly what the planet earth needs at this time -- the understanding on a spiritual level of the importance of natural ecology and environment.

I think that only such a deep change in prevalent world views will provide the will to make the changes we need to do regarding our approach to the environment.

Anyway, Samhain will be coming up in a month. Cool fall days and the turning of leaves have me thinking along such lines
Not sure about neo pagan, never been one for labels - however, I'm with you totally of the importance of our environment. Actually, when I say environment, I'm falling into a popular error. To talk about the environment implies that it is something separate, whereas we are very much part of the environment (one element that's definately out of control!) Realising our connection to the world we live in, to all the natural elements which are essential to life and quality of life, is crucial if we are to continue to live 'the good life' which many of us in the West currently enjoy. The failure to do so will lead to a degredation in that quality, and ultimately, possibly, to the death of many forms of life on this planet, including our own.

The idea of a spiritual element to our appreciation of nature, as well as the practical scientific one, is key. If you love something and feel a sense of connection to it and respect for it, then you are more likely to treat it decently, and contribute to its survival. Without nature, we will all die.


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