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Old 09-23-2001, 12:44 PM   #40
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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Originally posted by Vaskez:
No, of course it can host pictures. However, if you put a link on another website, say in a post on Ironworks for example, a link to a picture that is on your website, the link will not work. ANd if you try to display images on another site that are actually on your webspace on tripod, they will not show up. Hence no "external" linking. Of course, you can use pictures on your own site, which people can view if they go to your site. You CAN still give out links to images to ppl, but they cannot click on the link, they have to copy and paste it into an existing browser. It's not such a's just annoying for people who wanna display sig pics in posts for example and the image is linked from Tripod - it won't show up.

thanks... sounds complex... I am using 50mega now, it works OK for rookies like me
I just don't know one thing though, I created this newfile, and I edited in text editor, it showed up fine

but how can I combine it with "main" file? I mean, two files are completely unrelated to each other. do I need to put code in "main" such as read "newfile' ? please help, thx

Edit: nevermind, got it, thanks!!!!!


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