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Old 09-23-2001, 11:11 PM   #43

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Yorick:

WTF!!?? Did I say violent action was the only action? NO! I said Tracey's proposal was unworkable. I said that the British sending tanks into N.I. would be like America sending tanks into Iowa. It wouldn't happen.

Here's something. Do you know why Nelson Mandela was jailed for all that time? Largely because he wouldn't renounce violent action against the government. (Well that was the official reason.)

I respect Mandela immensely, don't get me wrong. He has healed many wounds in his land, and acted with much grace, forgiveness and compassion. However, I'm trying to point out that sometimes as humans we make the choice between the lesser of two evils. I'm a Christian. I have to do my best to turn the other cheek, to remove the cycle of hate and agression. I do not advocate violence.

However the government has a responsiblitity to provide protection for it's people. Something must be done to prevent this.

We have had a WTC bombing attempt in '93 that failed. Emabassy bombings, a ship bombed. Each time the Taliban refused to give up Bin Laden. Now 6,500 people are DEAD. The largest city in thee country has been gutted. It may not end there. What do you propose? Diplomacy has failed thus far. It hasn't worked. I pray it does. I pray the Taliban find it in their hearts to hand the guy over, but every precendent screams that they won't.

What do you do?

The Dali Lama still has compassion, he still smiles even with the knowledge of the persecution his people have suffered under the chinese. He has yet to advocate violence by any name.
Many African Americans were hung, shot, bombed killed by racists here in america. Martin Luther king and his people held steadfast to walk in peace, for to do otherwise is to put yourself at the same level as your attackers.
I wont speak for tracey, but the ghist i got from her post was you dont just give up on non-military options, just because they havent worked yet. Or jump to them because you think they will. I think we are just gonna make more terrorists for many more generations on the path we are taking. Is it realistic to believe we will end this through military force alone? What are all the predictable/concievable consequences of taking military action, both long term and short term? And will such action really do anything but justify alot of hurt and pain ? Will this sort of action bring real healing to people, or will it bring a quick fix, the triumphant feeling of revenge? I understand and know a great atrocity has occurred, human history is regrettablly filled with those.
I wasnt jumping on your back Yorrick, I respect you, and I apologize if I seemed like I was attacking you. I saw Tracys post as an example of a non-military way of dealing with hatred for the long term. The tanks DIDNT roll into northern Ireland. A way that possibly brings people closer instead of driving them further apart. The tank metaphor i believe was just a metaphor for how not to react., at least that how i saw it.

Peace be with you

[This message has been edited by G'kar (edited 09-23-2001).]

[This message has been edited by G'kar (edited 09-23-2001).]