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Old 09-23-2001, 09:35 AM   #21
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
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Originally posted by Epona:
The Taliban will not be bombed
Bin Laden will not be bombed
Because they will be hiding in bunkers paid for by the US! The Taliban was supported by the US to get Russia out of Afghanistan. They were armed by the US, and trained by the US. Bin Laden was a CIA agent for crying out loud!
The US sets these people up, but it is not they who will come off worst in a bombing raid.

Afghanistan is in crisis, people are starving to death - most of the population hate the Taliban, yet they will be the ones dying if the nation is bombed. More innocents will die - is that the way we want the world to be? The ordinary Afghani people can do nothing to fight the Taliban, or defend themselves against US retaliation - they are weak and tired. The west should give these people food and support to fight back against the hated Taliban - not bomb them out of existence. Do we want more innocent people buried in rubble?

Epona I agree with your ideas about not bombing Afgahnistan, but I believe your facts are in error. The US supported the Mujahadeen against the Soviet Union. The Taliban arose from the mountains after the Russians had left and displaced the Mujahadeen.

Also Bin Laden is a millionaire raised vehemently anti American by his father. Where did you hear that Bin Laden was a CIA agent? What motive would he have had for that?

I am the walrus!.... er, no hang on....

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!
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