Thread: Why Now?
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Old 09-21-2001, 08:46 PM   #11
Silver Dragon

Join Date: March 14, 2001
Location: Agharti. Mountains of Madness
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Oh hallo Im Irish so I thought I would comment on this. The IRA and others are small potatoes compared to the middle eastern guys, Its a very dirty little campeign they have up there but nothing on the kind of scale you get in other places. The British army and the SAS had a shoot to kill policy there for years in case you think they were just let at it. Generally US intervention in the North has been well recieved by all but its more of an intermediary group than the kind of hands on approach in Israel.

The African situation, this is a hard thing to say but most people just dont care. You dont see it much because its all buisness wars, bannana republic syndrome or a situation caused by drawing of borders by colonising countries basically the first world. The situation is generally caused by first world people so they dont want to know about it and its easier for them not to know about it. Its kind of a stupid world where people will refuse to watch the news so they can see a rerun of friends.

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