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Old 09-23-2001, 07:03 AM   #36
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
Posts: 2,674
Originally posted by Mirac Honorguard:
Well, Kaz, as long as it doesn't burp so that the whole IWs is on fire it'll be ok and Cloudy, there will be no re-animating, it belongs to the death-spell (or at least counter death-spell ) and you need a license, you have just violated art. 6 since you don't have a license , You can buy your last minute license though but it'll be more expensive, like say $ 25 certainly not bunny re-animating *hate those things* *smacks a bunny unconscious with his Quarterstaff and casts death spell at all bunny's* *one bunny makes a save vs. deaht and tries to escape* *a poisend dart suddenly hits the bunny in his fluffy *ss and the bunny runs a little but then it finally hits the dirt*

man, your sig's quote cracks me up... so cocky... LOL
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