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Old 09-21-2001, 03:08 PM   #14
Lord Shield

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by MagiK:
This is a serious inquiry as to the thoughts of the people it pertains to.

Thanks to Mel's thread and others, I noticed that most people on here are anti-death penalty due to the immorality of taking a sentient life, that most are anti-violence as in actions that should be taken in the war on terrorists and it appears that most are anti-gun and or hunting.

I personally am Pro Death Penalty and believe that some people need to be put out of societies misery, and I also believe that there is a time and a place where you go in and level the enemy with whatever weapon gets it done with minimum of friendly casulaties.

I do not understand how so many of you who are against violence and carnage can support the existance of games which promote just this kind of thing. Diablo, BG, pretty much any D&D type CRPG revolves around massive destruction of (supposedly) living (and some times undead) beings and not to mention First Person Shooters. I would think that you would prefer games that didn't involve violence. I realize that it is a "fantasy" setting but still violence gloified and used as a way to advance in a fantasy setting would to me be anathama if I were opposed to it in real life.

I hope I get some serious replies and not just flames from certain rather rude persons on here. I am interested in the Psychology of the "gamer" Thanks for your insights and thoughts in advance.


My answer is simple.

The death penalty takes a real life

A CRPG is simply changing variable values connected to a sprite

That's the only answer I would need. One is fiction, one is real

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