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Old 09-18-2001, 04:24 PM   #5
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: August 16, 2001
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Originally posted by MagiK:
Blaming the so called "right wingers" is like blaming all Islamic people for the attacks. Im quite demonstrably a "right winger" some here would say extremely so but I find that those bannings are ridiculous and wouldn't support it at all. Lets leave it at the feet of the people actually doing the banning shall we?
Um... I believe there is a confusion of the term "right-winger" and "left-winger" here. To me, an extreme right-winger would be a Nazi. An extreme left-winger would be somebody like the... what are they called again... Bade-Meinhoff (sp?) terrorist group.
You, IMHO, are a slightly right-oriented person.
I agree that the bannings are ridiculous. I mean, maybe ban some VERY insensitive songs (like songs about planes crashing into official buildings, for example, if there are any), but not EVERY song which has the word "plane" in it, ok?



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