Thread: retaliation?
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Old 09-16-2001, 11:09 PM   #9
Red Wizard of Thay

Join Date: August 17, 2001
Location: Florida
Posts: 874
Originally posted by 250:
after quite a few days of thought, blind rage settled down, sanity began to take control

what Saddam said is dangerously true. should Americans or western world react to the attack by violence, there will be an unstopping war waging between the mideast and the west.

I always thought if we find who did this, we can bring the problem to a quick end, no, I am wrong. this is THE fruit produced by western policy. the hatred that was planted long time ago in mideast is now laboring its offspring. and because of that, no wonders why Palestanes laughed and danced on top of american corpses. whoever did this is now inconsequential, as we all must focus on how to find a long term solution

some patrists might stand up and struck down my comments, for they, know no fear. and their righteous angers are directed by their love for their people and country. have you thought about it? there are maybe just as many patrists in mideast as there are in america? those man are probally called "terroists" in our terminology

we should not react violence to violence at this time, this is the critical moment of human history. a wrong step might lead to the sufferings of many many generations on both side, and worse, produce a never ending conflict, until one is driven to extiction.

it is not the time for bashing either side about who is right or who is wrong. this is the time for peace, for talk, for future of billions of people's welbeing. if one looks hard enough, he will find the answer. both side should cool down and starts thinking from their people's benifits, though this has rarely been done.

I will pray to God, and so should you

[This message has been edited by 250 (edited 09-16-2001).]
I'm sorry 250, but I disagree. I'm not speaking from hotheadedness. (that's out of my system for now) I am simply going by the past. We have tried to resolve this in different ways before. We even have one of the perps of the first bombing of the WTC behind bars. What happened? He may be linked to having a hand in this attack.

It's a mistake to think that if we don't retaliate, no more Americans will die! If it IS Bin Laden, which it probably is, he is just going to plan something like this again, if not worse! If we retaliate, yes, more Americans may die, and probably will. We at least will be making a move to erraticate them from the face of the Earth though.

The people who have done this have already waged war on us even in undeniable words if it is Bin Laden.

In essence, if we don't retaliate, we will lose more lives. If we do, we will lose more lives, but, have the possability of getting rid of terrorism.

These are the sacrifices of war.


Captain of Bouncers, Boogre Bar

LH Member

And you never did think that it ever would happen again, in America did you? And you never did think that we'd ever get together again, but we damn sure fooled ya. We're walkin' real proud and we're talkin' real loud again, in America. And you never did think that it ever would happen again.... (Charlie Daniels)

[This message has been edited by Liliara (edited 09-16-2001).]
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