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Old 09-14-2001, 10:55 PM   #1

Join Date: May 4, 2001
Location: The Outside Looking In
Age: 37
Posts: 4,361
well, as few of you may already know, my dad is very sick. he has two chronic illnesses: Hepatitis C and, what i call, Hollow Liver (not sure if theres a medical term for it). he used to have a very serious drinking problem, which climaxed in January of this year when he became ill with what SEEMED like a regular, generic flu. however, it was something much more serious called Metabolic Acidosis. im not sure what that is, but it has something to do with his lungs. he also had many other problems that developed while he was in the hospital during that time, which i cant remember because theyre too numberous and i never got their names in 'laymens terms'. anyways, after he got out he was in very bad shape still. his liver had deteriorated, and his stomach was leaking fluid into his abdomen. a few weeks ago, he had to go to another hospital for further treatment, among that treatment getting his abdomen drained of fluid. after recovering from that, he was released yet again, but he now had to monitor his fluid intake. after a few days, he began to forget his medicine, and his memory deteriorated. he returned to the hospital, and was released after a few more days. this began 6 months ago, and is still continuing today.
however, today it seems to be even worse than ever. his body isnt functioning properly, and his mind is addled. i didnt realize this until a few minutes ago, when his brother called on the phone. i answered it, then went downstairs to tell him to answer it. he was just sitting there, holding the phone with his arms shaking. i told him that his brother was on the phone, and asked if he had answered it, he just said he hadnt. this rather confused me, and i went back upstairs until dinner. when i was called down, i noticed that it was worse. he was just laying on the couch. he staggered into the kitchen, then just walked around and did nothing. he went back into the living room, then sat down to eat. he then layed down for awhile. when my mom just went to the store, i had to sit downstairs and watch him to make sure he didnt do anything crazy. his eyes were half closed, and he got up to walk around with no direction at all. he just started walking around in circles, and actually bumped into a few things while he had an empty look in his eyes. just thought you guys should know, because i truly do love you guys, and trust you enough to confide such information in you. most people that i know in RL dont know most of these events, and im surprised im finding myself telling you about them.

It's simple. Once the Planet is hurt, it gathers Spirit Energy to heal the injury. The amount of energy gathered depends on the size of the injury...What would happen if there was an injury that threatened the very life of the Planet? Think how much energy would be gathered! Ha, ha, ha. And at the center of that injury, wil be me. All that boundless energy will be mine. By merging with the energy of the Planet, I will be come a new life form, a new existence. Melding with the Planet, I will cease to exist as I am now. Only to be reborn as a 'God' to rule over every living soul.

Super Sephiroth, slayer of the Uber Fluffy, and battle co-ordionator and defender of the HADB clan.

Diplomacy is all and well, but HADB is better!
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