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Old 09-15-2001, 08:44 AM   #171
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Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Originally posted by Kaz:
Um... there are four. One I think I've solved. One is so awful I wouldn't tell it to my worst enemy (well... maybe). One is cool, but I'm having trouble with the translation. Here's the last one (not that hard compared to the others):
The triplets Anton, Bert and Christoph get 100DM from their grandma for their birthday. As they can't split it between them, the grandma says that she'll give them 1DM the next day, then 2DM the day after that then always 1DM more than on the day before until they can split the money. How much does each one get at the end?

I found an answer.... I think! I don't know if you want it, and hope I didn't make a mistake. Please post your answer so I can check to see if I'm right. I probably did it the long way, though. Been a long time since I was in school.


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