Thread: I fear
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Old 09-14-2001, 05:43 PM   #23

Posts: n/a
You are too funny, LOL "Federal Express"

Has anyone considered that it could be as simple as the terrotists thinking if they took out the World Trade Center and disabled the pentagon that our country would be vulnerable to immediate financial catastrophe and blind military strikes but that now they realize they were wrong in their underestimation of the strength of the pentagon, this country, our people, and our businesses?

There were more arrests made by potential hijackers on board and ready to board passenger jets yesterday...a couple of potential hijackers were even taken off of a train headed for the city nearest where I live! These particular two had hair-dye and knives with them as well as tickets to board planes going out of Texas airports!
Maybe they were going to give the pentagon another shot since it still has the capabilities to moniter our air space and put out orders to all of our military bases. Not that we don't have locations elsewhere that have the same capabilities but do they know that?

Maybe they were going to strike a military base?!
I know San Antonio's Wilford Hall had closed its doors to emergency treatment for 24 hours in order to ready transports of Dr.'s, nurses and medical supplies headed for New York.

Whatever their intentions, they weren't finished...we could have gotten very lucky that as much devastation as was caused, it could be more...we could be getting severly bombed right now.

Just something to think about.


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 09-14-2001).]