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Old 09-14-2001, 05:03 AM   #4
Gold Dragon

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: smyrna, tn, usa
Age: 46
Posts: 2,506
we as americans must also realize that we are not the only country to be attacked by terrorism. it has existed for a long time.
it just finaly smacked us in the face.
the rest of the world has been fealing the pain for decades. we had thus far
sat idly by, since it had "never happend here".
We no longer have that luxury,
Trust them, they know how we feel.
and as melusine was pointing out, our world is shrinking.
we are not so different anymore.
we are all members of the same global community.
For as it has been made so abundantly clear: "An attack on one, is an attack on us all."


I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

[This message has been edited by slackerboy (edited 09-14-2001).]
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