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Old 09-13-2001, 09:01 PM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Midlands, South Carolina
Age: 48
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I have many ties with the Hispanics here in WInston-Salem, where we harbor 20,000(est.) legal and illigal immigrants. I have been talking to them about what has been happening, and i am very impressed with what I am learning.
Here is the synopsis, for those that care...

* On Tuesday, since most of the news was in English, and alot of Hispanics do not understand enough English to fathom exactly what was going on...they ran to the schools in terror to pull their children out.

* All of the Hispanics I have been speaking with know just as much updated news as I do, now, as they are always glued to the TV to learn more.

* Most are admitting that they are scared, angered and anxious of the situation.

* Most of the ones I have spoken with are hoping that we strike back hard at whoever did this to prove that we are not weak (their words...not mine)...
* The ones that are here illigally are feeling the remorse of lost lives and the hopes of justice being served. They feel that this is just as much an attack on them, as though it were their own country.

I hope you find this information useful in knowing the minds of the General Hispanic Population in NC.


Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth

Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.
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