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Old 09-13-2001, 09:58 AM   #1
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
Posts: 2,674
“The Affenpinscher is a balanced, little, wiry-haired terrier-like toy dog whose intelligence and demeanor make it a good house pet.” ( Pets à Dog) The dog has a body of all curly black hair, and a ball face with non-distinctive features. Full grown adults have size of less than one feet.
It is very quick to term Affenpinscher’s intelligence by its appearance, and more than often, the result is less than accurate. The little toy dog looks very dumb in the eyes of novice. Especially, when the hairs on its head are too long and cover its eyes, it always looks like a sleepy, listless and slow-thinking no-brainer. In fact, “one should never judge a dog by its look”, so the words of wisdom goes.

Affenpinscher is actually very intelligent and energetic specie. The caring, fun loving and smart little animal has fame for its loyal, fearless and inquisitive dognality. It is not so much to say they are the cavalries of dogs, for their history can be recalled back to the mid-age Europe, where they side by side with full plate armored knights charge into battles. Actually, come to think of it, Jesus Christ was thinking of owning one when he was taken out of Jerusalem, however, for some unknown historical reasons, it was never recorded.
Anyway, all jokes aside. I’ve had one Affenpinscher when I was a little boy. His name was “Cho-Cho”, and it means “little ugly thing.” Like all new-borne toddles, Cho-Cho had no chance to pick his own name, so he was stuck with it for the rest of his live in my house. I was certain that some of his friends called him “loser” during play. And while mentally damaged, Cho-Cho managed through his troubled childhood.

He was always an energetic child, always playful and curious about his surroundings. And most of all, he was NEVER once discouraged from defeat, I guess that is because he had a fighter’s heart. I remember once, I was drinking tea on dinner table, mother was watching TV, so Cho-Cho was running loss and free to explore around the house. I guess he got little bored of having no one to play with, so he started running wildly in the house. His normal favorite routine was running from the guest room to the hall way, which was long enough for him to get speedy. The tragic was, we just added a new glass door in between the hall way and guest room, and we forgot to tell him. Anyway, he ran on with full force, charging head-on to the hall way. Then, BOOOM, our little brave soldier hit the glass door with such a might that the door nearly shattered. Shaking his head in disbelief, Cho-Cho sat on floor for couple seconds, then he stood up, and went back to dinner room.

Me and my mom were both aware of him then, however we had not intervened because we thought Cho-Cho had learnt the strength of his enemy… err… Nope. There came the second onslaught, Cho-Cho, more than determined to defeat his enemy at his own ground, ran on, and ram the glass door and BANG! I spilled my drink laughing, and my mom nearly caught tears. Cho-Cho, being bounced back and stunned, couldn’t move for five seconds because of the impact. Then he sat there with the most pathetic look on his face and watched us with confusion. I put down my glass, walked over, and Cho-Cho, as if known I am his bestest ally, jumped on his feet immediately and shake his tinny little tail in rapid procession to show the best affection. Still couldn’t stop laughing, I barely managed to open the door for the little soldier, and seized the war.
To teach him how to pee is another hard shell to crack. Well, he knew how to pee alright? and I am not talking about the technical procedure here, but to teach him to pee at the right place, at the right time, to the right corner with the right aiming. He had this habbit of running around with loosing liquid in the house. If all it took was to wipe it clean, then we would thank Jesus for it. Nothing is easy, how true! We had wooden floor in our house then, and Cho-Cho’s yellowish production tend to sink itself into the floor, which became very hard to clean. And after a few month, the floor would grow some tiny little white mushroom. They look disgusting. My whole house became a forest park, literally.

My mother was very upset, so she said “No more, we are going to train him!” So, no more the liberty to pee, Cho-Cho was forced to a very hardcore training section, which was rewarded a Nobel prize of some sort. Cho-Cho was, by force system, to walk to bathroom and pee on the ground where a little sink was located. By correctly executing the maneuver, he was rewarded a gentle human touch; on the other hand, if he failed to carry out the order, he was to be punished. He was to be termed imprisonment in the bathroom, until the next time he would pee at the right place. It sounded cruel, but all my family agreed it was, indeed, for his own good. (I guess that is just another one of the disadvantages for not speaking a second language, take ESL.)

So the war wages on. One day, I discovered Cho-Cho began his custom maneuver by crouching down. The next second, I was on him, knowing well that he was about to unleash his hellish lava. I carried him with my both hands, and lifted the little devil into mid-air and run to bathroom with full speed. I got there just in time, I thought, and I throw him in, and closed the door behind him immediately. “Now deal with it, sucker!” I soundly congratulated myself. Ten minutes later, Cho-Cho began a restless barking inside the bathroom. Figuring that the problem solved, I opened the door for him, and gave a warm welcome to our hero, then… he peed right under my feet. I stood there numbly for a second before realizing what event had just transparented. Cho-Cho, however, thinking himself put up a gorgeous show, barked happily and run in circle around my feet.

After weeks of futile attempt at civilizing him, we gave up. Like what England did three hundred years ago, we persecuted him and sent him away, far far far away to a distant house, where new hopes and promises might be waiting for him.

That was my first and only affenpinscher. I had so much fun with him.
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