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Old 09-08-2001, 05:51 AM   #2
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
Age: 52
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Originally posted by 250:
how do you see the subject of money?
I know it is not considered devil for Christians to play games, so what about money?

I personally think, money is part of everyone's living liability. like, we expand water, meat, vegetables, air; money is just as neccissery to sustain our lives. of course, one could live without money, but it is a very ridiculus thing to say today, especially when money is connected to many morden facilities. one cannot produce everything he needs, so it is not exaggreating to say "one cannot live without money in this soceity."

so how do you see people who accumulate wealth?
is there a clear line between those who only use what they need and those who accumulate?
is one better than the other?
is it evil that someone wants to become wealthy?

There are Christians with almost opposite views on the subject Leo. On one hand, we have the Bible saying you cannot have two masters. It's either God or money. It also says it's harder for a rich man to enter heaven than a camel through the eye of a needle. Jesus told the rich young man that came up to him to give away all he had and follow him. "The love of money is the root of all evil". "Don't store up for yourself things of the earth that moth and rust destroy" the bible says, "but store up riches in heaven". (I'm paraphrasing)

Then in the other corner are those who quote the bible when it says things like the riches of the corrupt? (something like that) are laid up for the righteous, that God wants us to prosper ,and that by faith - by calling things into being through faith in Jesus - we can be prosperous. They preach that money also brings power to effect change.

Both sides decry the other. The Prosperitous are kicking against percieved "pauper mentality", and the Moneyforsakers see the Prosperitors as having in some cases false teaching.

Christians fighting Christians is possibly the worst turnoff for people, both inside and outside the faith. Conflict. Is it an inevitable part of existance?

Anyhow, I think there is a balance. Merit in both depending on the circumstance. Of utmost importance though, is the necessity for the Christian to have Christ as his focus, and not the gathering of material wealth - even if that comes to pass, and gaining financial success is a personal goal.

I think that a "rich Christian" is not a contradiction, but, one who follows Christ shouldn't be measuring success and self worth on the size of his/her bank account. The key is "the love of money is the root of all evil", not money itself.

Conversley there is a danger in presuming a poor Christian to be of weaker faith, or somehow deserving of his/her fate. The danger is loss of compassion, judgementalism and hubris.

Truly some are cash rich/time poor, and others time rich/cash poor. Can one be both? Can one be neither?

All in all, the Church is described as the body of Christ. The body has different sections that perform different roles. Hence the saying that the "eye" shouldn't criticise the "hand". Rich Christians shouldn't criticise poor and vice versa.

Like so much in Christianity much is open to individual interpretation. It is an individual relationship between a human and God after all. The young rich man obviously placed money above God, which was why he had to "give it up" or at least be prepared to. A poor Christian should in some ways be happy because there is potentially less between him and God. When you've got nothing you've got nothing to lose.

You can't live on nothing though

Have I gone round in circles?

Balance is the key Leo. That is what I believe anyway.

I am the walrus!.... er, no hang on....

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

[This message has been edited by Yorick (edited 09-08-2001).]
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