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Old 09-08-2001, 02:45 PM   #29
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Midlands, South Carolina
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Some of you have stated that Eve was to blame or Adam was to blame.
In their complete innocence, neither one can be blamed.
What is innocence?
When I look at my one year old...I see innocence.
If she were to grab a table, knock it over, and brake a vase that was upon it, would I punish her?
She did not know what would be the outcome of her attempt at exploration.
So you ask, why did God throw them out of the Garden?
Because they were in the presence of God in the garden, and even though they were tricked by Satan...they were now counted as unclean, so they could no more enjoy the communion with God (ie. live in his presence.)
But God promised them that if they were to faithfully live out thier lives, knowing good from evil, and always, faithfully doing that which was right...they could return to his presence in due time. They of course, realized that God would not lie to them, so they realized that it was better to pass through sorrow, that they might enjoy the blessings of their acts of faith.

Now, yes Eve was the first to partake. If Adam would not have followed suit...then we would not be here right now, trying to figure all this out. If he would have rejected Eve's offer to partake of knowledge, she would have been cast out alone, and Adam would have been a lone man in the Garden of Eden. That would have separtated the two. God intended for them to be together.

I am quoting what i have read in many books and studies. If anyone wans me to find the exact literature in order that I may clarify my own weak attempt at explaining what I have been taught, I will.


Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth

Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.
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