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Old 09-07-2001, 06:47 PM   #20
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Join Date: June 16, 2001
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Originally posted by Wulfere:
Re-Habilitation has been shown not to work. People do not change unless they want to. That is a fact. Numerous attempts have been made in that vein already and most failed miserably. There are a few shinning examples, but as I said those are folks who wanted to change. Many in prison think the only thing they did wrong was getting caught.

In the phsycos cases, it doesn't work. I have read about a certain Ginger Fish who ate his victims (mainly little girls). Well, such man should REALLY be put to death, he is pure evil, twisted and sick.

But say a 20 year old man runs into a store with a gun and says he wants monye. He is high/drunk and nervoes, so accidently, a bullet goes off and kills someone... should he really be executed for that? Life time prisson and given the opportunity to help other people from his stage of socity would help the nation and himself much more that waist electricity on him.

And I believe that fear of being executed scare people off is just bullshit. A sane person would never kill anyone on purpose, and mad men have no abbility to se consequenses like we do.

By the way, what do you think about the wepon-policy that some states in the US has? That you are acctually allow to carry wepons...

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