Thread: love
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Old 09-04-2001, 04:18 AM   #1
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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do you love your other half? are you in love with someone?

love had almost been a tormenting experiences to me, then suddenly, something is lightened to me. I think I just found what would help me and probally many people here:

love is only tormenting when you want something out of it.

a self less love can never be hurtful to yourself or the one you are giving to. love, friends, love without asking for reward, and happiness will follow.

OK, you must be wondering, what the heck is wrong with 250 these days. where is the casual cocky guy back then? well, his edge is softened by love, and his flaws has been washed away by the strongest emotion there is. to miss someone and wanting to be near her almost crushed him to bite dust. well the good news is, he suddenly understood the secret of love, and he shall stand tall with dignita and embrace those who he loves!

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