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Old 09-02-2001, 03:48 AM   #21
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
Age: 52
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Originally posted by Kaz:
Hi guys! I'm back!
I did not want to go to that theater last evening, but it was worth it. We saw The Name of the Rose, I am DEFINETELY going to read the book. For those of you who know about it, I was at the Domfestspiele in Bad Gandersheim. Once a year they play a piece in front of the church - open-air, of course. It only drizzled a bit last evening, so it was okay. When I was there 4 years ago with my class, it poured the whole time!! But this time it was really fun.
Well, today I have to do my Physics homework that I ignored yesterday and finish a picture for Art (one of the worst subjects I have).

Very cool Kaz! You sound very happy!

I am the walrus!.... er, no hang on....

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!
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