Thread: a serious note
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Old 08-31-2001, 07:24 PM   #19
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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Originally posted by ladyzekke:
LOL Moni! I love the way you so elequently mentioned the "pellets"!

250 - I've had several rabbits in my lifetime. Only tried the indoor thing once about 8 years ago. Went to pet store around Easter time. Saw many baby bunnies. Saw many signs about petstore saying how easy and carefree it is to have a bunny in an Apartment. Weelllll. I love bunnies. Had a bunch of em as a child, although they were all in rabbit hutches outside. So I bought two, one regular looking one and one mini with those floppy ears? Also bought this big cage with a divider in it for each rabbit (even though I was naive, I wasn't stupid, everyone knows rabbits breed, well, like Rabbits!) Anywho, I was totally stunned at the incredible amount of, errr, "pellets" that said bunnies dropped about when I would let them run around outside of their cages (separately of course). Such a little tiny thing, yet it was like a frikken dispenser of pellets, they just kept going, and going, and going, and.... Gave a whole new meaning to "Energizer Bunny" LOL! Well, I didn't want to give up my baby bunnies just cause of that, so I bought a hand vac (works great for those pellets) As time went by, rabbits grew up. Both were supposed to be miniature rabbits according to the petstore (and I paid extra too!). Well. Regular looking bunny (grey and white) turned out to grow into this huge bunny from HELL! This thing was larger than your normal bunny, must have had jackrabbit or something in it, had huge longass horse nose on it too! Oh she was cute, have no doubt of that, but became for awhile there extremely agressive! I'd open the door in the mornings to pour some food into her dish, and she would lunge at me and take those front paws with huge claws and attack the dish, spilling all of the contents which fell down the holes in the bottom of her cage into the "pellet" tray. Trust me, you didn't want to just put your hand in there! Little brown and black floppy eared bunny turned out to be a mini, but was scared to death of everything (probably cause he lived next door to bunny from HELL and was mentally damaged). One time Bunny from hell chewed our cable TV cord all the way to the wires, surprised the thing didn't zap itself (I shoulda been keeping a keener eye on her). Then once my husband actually bought a bale of hay for it (that was quite a mess in an apartment). Couldn't believe it. This thing bored a 7" hole all the way through the center of that bale of hay in one hour flat! I don't know if you have ever grabbed or touched a bale of hay before, but they are extremely wound tight. Never underestimate the teeth potential of a rabbit! Then, I come home from work one day. Turns out my husband had let bunny from hell out of her cage and had her barricaded in the kitchen (he hated seeing things in cages). Well, we had a towel hanging on the refrigerator door handle. Somehow bunny from Hell had chewed a large hole into the still hanging towel, and got her head stuck through it, and was literally hanging there when I came home. I mean HANGING there, choking, eyes bulging, etc. I saved her I think just in time.

So basically, I have to agree with what everyone has said above. Bunnies are good pets to have, as long as you know what you are getting into!

LOL LOL LOL that is priceless!!!

thank you very much, I seem to need some a mini bunny, because the one that I am giving the bunny to already had two cats and couple dogs... she probally doesnt want a Hell Bunny

once again, I am grateful for your sharing!
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