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Old 09-03-2001, 12:01 PM   #37

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
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Originally posted by Rikard:
Originally posted by Blade:
About the mature beyond your age thing i wonder about that. All of us teens are pretty idiotic at times (no affense meant to anyone) but that is what makes us teens right? I haven't seen any overly mature teen lately can you tell me where to find them? I want to meet them. Also thanks for the rules they were stated clearly and it makes life more fun if people follow them.
There's often a Misunderstanding about maturity
I know people who call themselfs more mature then me because i can act really childish some times just for the fun of it (among other things my obsession for cute and overly fluffy stuff) That does however not mean i'm not mature
People who say that about me are often people who try to act like there friends act and try avoid everything that can even look remotely childish, In my opinion that is not mature
Being mature is to feel when you have to be serious and when you can joke
being mature is to know about life and know about the feelings of other
being mature is when you can act like an adult When you have to
And when it comes to that i think I myself am quite mature for my age
and so is Jerome and Melusine (who can act like an 80-year old )and a lot of other teenagers in here
Being Mature is not to act like your life is over and you can't have fun, Being mature is know when you can have fun and when to be serious

Thanks a lot Rikard, I'm 21 so technically speaking very much NOT a teen
*sigh* and I agree, I do feel like 30, 40 or yes, even 80 sometimes - but that's when my ME is especially bad

LOL that said, I think that was another splendid post and I agree that people like Javi (who's also technically not a teen but can be delightfully naive sometimes ), Jerome, Lioness and you are some of the best, most mature, intelligent, well-spoken, and NICE teenagers I've ever met!

Melusine, High Queen of Fluffies, Archbabe of the OHF, the LH,
the HADB and the SPAE(Society for the
Prevention of Acronym Extinction) &
Sultry Elflet

Your voice is ambrosia
Amy Brown Fantasy Art
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