Thread: LittleBigHorn
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Old 08-31-2001, 02:24 PM   #23
Diogenes Of Pumpkintown
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Originally posted by Rikard:
Americans tend to think themselfs more important as other people
also illustated in the Vietnam war what the americans called a huge victory for the vietnamese and they were complaining how many men the american had lost
a total of 60000 men...
compared to 2,500000 vietnamese...

There is a word which refers to what you are describing: NATIONALISM. It was invented in its modern form in EUROPE, and has achieved its worst extremes in history in EUROPE. So cut out the holier than thou crap.

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee is indeed a good book. No, there is no justifying how the Indians were treated. The story of the European invasion of the Americas and the treatment of the Indians by the Europeans (and later the Americans after the US became an independent country) is yet another shameful blot on the human race. It differs from many, many other similar events only in that it is one of the more recent in history.
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