Thread: LittleBigHorn
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Old 08-31-2001, 01:26 PM   #19
Lord Soth

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: Southern California
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Thank you Moni. I am with you completely.

I don't want to flame, but I am getting really tired of people making stereotypes of Americans. I like to think I'm a moral person who doesn't have any egotistical superiority complex. Do not label me. Do not judge me. Just because our government might handle a situation a certain way, PLEASE don't make the leap of reasoning to assume that each of the millions of individuals that call America home would do the same.

I don't judge anybody based on what ethnicity/culture they hail from. If I did, I would be a very lonely person living in a country that has every culture imaginable living in relatively close proximity. I would greatly appreciate it if the same courtesy was extended to me.

How ironic for someone to pass judgement saying that Americans think they're superior. You would have to be far superior yourself to be able to pass judgement on an entire country's citizenry without being a complete hippocrite. Do you actually think you are superior to Americans? No, I'm sure you do not, and regardless, I wouldn't want to judge you.

Vietnam. Do you think Americans supported Vietnam? Do you have any idea how many protesters there were to that war? That war was a political war that very few Americans supported. I don't think either side won that war. Every government makes mistakes. Let's not go casting stones around unless your country has a spotless track record.

About the Indians, I have not read that book, but it seems extremely interesting. I have read quite a bit on our Native Americans, and in many cases I have heard conflicting stories. If this book is acurate, that is very intersting to know. I will go buy it.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)

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