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Old 08-29-2001, 02:43 PM   #3
Baaz Draconian

Join Date: March 26, 2001
Location: Minnesota
Age: 48
Posts: 740
Originally posted by Lioness:
Hi Zeeke! I don't know that we've formally met, but I remember that sig!
I am the StormQueen's assistant, actually, and waitress in her cafe. Cloudy hit 5000 recently, Ziroc has been killing us with clues to some puzzle, and AVOID THE BUNNY THREAD AT ALL COSTS!!!!! IT IS DANGEROUS!

Anyway, welocme back.

My, my,'re moving right up there in posts!!!! I don't think we've officially met, either, but I do remember you from when I was here last. I think one of the last threads of yours I posted on was the one when you hurt your back playing softball.

Cloudy's assistant, huh? Well don't let her take advantage of you too much. If she does, you just let me know, and I'll straighten her out for ya.


Always listen to your heart, for it will never lead you astray.
All bow and cower before the Triumvirate!!!
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