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Old 09-06-2001, 11:19 AM   #52
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: March 12, 2001
Location: Birmingham, West Mid\'s, England
Age: 87
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Originally posted by Yorick:
Fjlotsdale, you are wrong and I can prove it. With a vastly smaller population on the planet, there were still haves and have nots. Rome circa 1AD.

Sigh. Yorick, there have ALWAYS been haves and have-nots. Even among cave-men. Why? Various factors: intellignece, physical fitness, injury; selfishness, greed, kindness, compassion. Nothing new.
What IS new is the scale of the problem - BECAUSE WE HAVE TOO DAMN MUCH POPULATION!!
What's wrong with acknowledging that, Yorick? Is it a religious thing with you?Look. Your own god said 'fill the earth'. OK. What do you do with a container when it is full? YOU STOP PUTTING MORE IN!!
And do you fill a cup of water RIGHT TO THE TOP so that it is slopping out everywhere? NO! You fill it COMFORTABLY full, not BRIM FULL.
Our planet is not yet overpopulated. We CAN feed everyone - we just DON'T. But if we go ON filling the 'cup' we will reach a time when we can't. Who wants to live in an overcrowded, underfed and desperate world with all the resouces used up, just because we don't want to do anything to curb population growth?
Shutting your eyes to something won't make it go away. I've tried it, lol!


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