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Old 06-14-2002, 12:23 AM   #2

Join Date: September 16, 2001
Location: Bellingham, WA, USA
Age: 47
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The transition to Chapter 3 is too flexible to put a "party-level" mark on it--you can hold it off for as long as you want. Some people even build their parties up and do the hardest fights in the game before paying that 15,000 gold, just to say they beat the Twisted Rune in Chapter 2. Don't worry about having a low-level party entering Chapter 3: You'll be getting Quest Experience so fast it'll make your head spin.

"complete Watcher's Keep"? Only if you're a glutton for punishment..... Go there as early as you possibly can (once you have some money in the bank, that is) and go shopping on the roof. DON'T GO INSIDE YET, unless you want to risk losing the Foebane+3. Then, in Chapter 3 or late Chapter 2, do some of the first level and find a couple of very nice items. I would leave the rest of the keep until you're in ToB itself, as you'll be higher-level then, and therefore facing tougher enemies, who give you more EXP for killing them.
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