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Old 08-28-2001, 06:09 AM   #1
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Age: 40
Posts: 948
I read this somewhere a while ago, and found it was pretty relative to my mood today...

He was then filled with a deep sense of despair, as if everything that he had dreamed of, and everything he had worked hard for, had suddenly amounted to nothing.
He felt little emotion then, instead only numbness, which prevented reasonable or productive thought, like the shock felt after concussion. He had a lingering suspicion that every action he henceforth took would be of minimal significance to anyone or anything.
Completely alone, he wondered how it ad come to this… the feeling of loneliness which can only come from being surrounded by happy people. Just days ago, his objectives had been clear, then suddenly the furore had begun… the bad hand which he had always feared would come had finally been dealt him.
He drearily trudged down the mud ridden dirt road. The dark storm clouds loomed above, in perfect accordance with his mood. It seemed too much of a cliché, like a scene from a film, but a drop of rain upon his nose reminded him that it was anything but that.
It was as if he expected bad fortune, and the poor weather added only faintly to his despondent mood.
There seemed little point in going on… Everything was Nothing…
Sorry for posting this shit... does anyone else ever feel like that?

"Watch your back"
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