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Old 08-29-2001, 12:08 AM   #19

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Utah
Posts: 581
AWW Thanks everyone. It's great to know that I have so many friends here. You are all great.
Liliara- Thanks. Welcome to the board. I hope you enjoy it here. I will have to try to come around more often and we can get to know each other.

Domingo- Welcome to the board. Thank you. I have never been to St George. I would like to go sometime. I live in the hellhole of Utah, Green River. Heehee, I hate it here but since my mood has improved, I am dealing with living here better. I hope to see you around the board and we can get to know each other.

Ramon- Thanks so much. I'll try to keep rocking and rolling.

Hamlet-Yorick- LOL you are so cute my dear sweet brother. Thanks darling. I love the new me. It's great. So I happen to read somewhere that you are in the states. Are you still here? Maybe someday we can get together if you come back. Don't worry, I won't make you come to Utah. (((HUGS)))

Bahamut- My dear dragon brother, no need to worry about me. I am doing great. Just so busy. I tried all day to get online today and never got a chance. Now I am relaxing before going to bed and decided to reply to everyone. And if I do need anything, I will let you know. Thanks for being there for me. It means alot. (((HUGS)))

AzureWolf- Thanks

Wolfgir- My beauty!! It's great to see you too. I have missed talking with you. I hope to be around more and maybe we can catch up on what's been going on with you and me. (((HUGS)))

Moridin- Thanks so much. Yes, my days are much more cheerful. I enjoy waking up in the morning and facing another beautiful day. I love this new feeling. I hope I can get online more often and when I do I will be here.

Reeka- Thanks That's sweet of you to be thinking of me. I have thought of everyone here on the board. Just wish I had more time to get online. Yup, 23 lbs. I am so happy about it. Now maybe I can get back into my clothing. Take care Reeka and I hope we can be on the board at the same time soon. Miss talking with ya.

Father Bronze- Thank you. I hope to start posting more.

KDogRex- Thanks. I am taking Effexor. It works great. And I do know how you felt for I felt the same way. I had tried meds awhile ago and they didn't work so I just thought if meds won't help me then I will just deal with it on my own. Well, I couldn't anymore so it was time for me to find a better doc. And I did. Now I am one happy Dragon Queen. Heehee no need to bow, you may hug royalty.


I am not sure if anyone will read any of this but I hope so. I just did my nails and that took me a long time to type so read it or my dragons will come a hunting. The Dragon Queen commands the greatest of dragons across the land. I will be watching.
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