Thread: love poems
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Old 08-28-2001, 12:05 AM   #3
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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o, of course, i didnt write them

here is some more:

In heaven's eyes you are delightful
On earth, alas, you're simply frightful.

The Sunlight shines on your golden hair
Then it hits your face, now that's not fair!

O, better to drown in thy limpid eyes
than to gaze upon your cottage cheese thighs.

Your warm embrace, it doth enthrall me
Yet with the lights on, you appall me

Your scent, your voice, your soft embrace
Revolt me now: I've seen your face.

Your lips: beguiling, smile: seducing
your weight, however, needs reducing

Please marry me my ardent lover,
gay actors need convincing cover.

You're beauty itself, you are my life
I hope that no one tells my wife

I love you more and more each day
as long as you continue to stay away

What can be grander than our love combined?
Easy question--Your large behind.

My love, you are so strong and mighty,
But you look strange in my pink nightie.

My darling, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways....
Well, I'm thinking.... nope, nothing. Let me meditate for a few more days.

When my phone rings, I'm so glad to see
that it's not your name on caller ID.
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