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Old 08-28-2001, 04:05 AM   #24
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
Age: 52
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Wow. Very interesting. Haven't read the whole thing and I haven't formulated an opinion as yet.

I hung around the last-anti globalisation protest in Sydney, as much to lap up the "12 monkeys" atmosphere, as because I lean towards removing power from the multinationals and ensuring democracies - the people - at least keep the limited voice they have.

Scarey stuff all of this.

Moridin it seems you have a well formulated counter argument and I shall read it with interest.

Silver Cheetah, have we met on any other boards?

Anyhow Kudos to you both. A very important topic to be discussed.

I am the walrus!.... er, no hang on....

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!
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