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Old 08-25-2001, 05:12 PM   #50

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
Originally posted by Rikard:
The Fluffies are not some sort of clan
It's a just some sort of joke with mel's hamster
The Following Clans Exist on this board

The Order of the Holy Flame - Born September 2000 with Rikard and Ertai as leaders - some of the members: Memnoch, Jerome, Melusine, Harkoliar

The Laughing Hyena's - Born December 2000 (i think) lead by Yorick special Bard clan - members Melusine (again) eh... more

The Hamlet and Dough Boy Clan - Born May/June 2001 lead by the hamlet Azure and Dough boy caleb - members eh....

You forgot to add me to the HADB members list

Melusine, High Queen of Fluffies, Archbabe of the OHF, the LH,
the HADB and the SPAE(Society for the
Prevention of Acronym Extinction) &
Sultry Elflet

Your voice is ambrosia
Amy Brown Fantasy Art
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