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Old 08-23-2001, 09:44 PM   #12

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
I currently am in a relationship where I've shared some pretty personal history and feelings and sure, you can feel vulnerable, but in my opinion, that is the only way to have a full, trusting realtionship. If it's not based on honesty, why bother? It will crumble one day without a doubt if based on partial information and feelings aren't shared. Just my take on things, but one I am endeavoring to live by these days. Sorry, not sharing those details here!


Hey Cloudy

That's good for you that you are in a relationship where you can so easily share those things about yourself.
I never hold back information when I am asked for it but I sure do hate being asked! There have been very few men in my life that haven't used some of it as ammo at some point or another.

I find that my men friends will talk to me much more easily about intimate details than women friends will. Perhaps becuae I have more men friends? I dunno, but it has never been hard to relate and converse with my guy friends about intimate subjects and getting a perspective from both sides of the coin.


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

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