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Old 08-23-2001, 03:30 PM   #3

Posts: n/a

I don't normally confide in anyone but deeply trusted friends, being that confiding my deepest secrets in the guys I have dated made me vunerable for suffering future derogatory remarks meant to do nothing but hurt because I have a past (like they don't, they just never tell, nor do I use people's pasts against them) They used these remarks to make excuses for our failures in a relationship as if they were perfect and said I am hanging on to the past because they now have a past relationship they can compare theirs with me to. (*buzzer* WRONG!) Gosh I hope you can understand that LOL. I give everyone ample opportunity to prove themselves...not my fault some men are just alike (and I never bring comparisons from past relationships up either)!
Confiding in a guy you date is loading him with ammo to blame it all on you when the relationship fails.
Confiding in women who aren't trusted friends have gotten rumors rolling to make me look worse than everyone else so that they have something to feel good about themselves for.
You are a valuable relief to the women who confide in you. Keep their trust and you have friends for life not to mention a plethera of information that you may or may not be able to use in your relationship with your wife.


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 08-23-2001).]