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Old 08-23-2001, 10:09 AM   #9

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Larry_OHF:
This post most certainly can apply to other clans as well, and maybe time zones and other issues may result in multi-clan party composition.

I was wondering if we could have a list made up of all potential players to be ready when this stuff starts. There is that one that Ziroc mentioned starting before NWN, but I can't think of the name. Anyway, I wanted to see how you wanted to form parties.
For example, I would really prove beneficial in game as a rogue/thief, as that is what I am better at (in terms of understanding the char.). So the thing to do is..."who needs a thief in their party that has never played multi before, but is looking for an opportunity"?
See where I am going with this?
In would like to see who will be joining in parties, how many members per party, who will play what, who is the designated leader, etc. This post may possibly be moved to the correct forum, later. I just did not think you guys/gals would ever think to look in there tonight to see my post. That why it is here.
So...who is forming parties???

I am! And That Module I am going to be making in NWN is Undermountain. (It's the largest most deadly underground dungeon complex (Under Waterdeep) and spans over 100 levels!

It's not a 'clan' though, so yeah, I'll join one if you guys want! I have a few names that you may like for a clan.. (A Guild is a better term for NWN)

Ring of Fire (The ROF)
Harper Hating Half-Orc's (For an all Half-Orc party) (just kidding)-- The Triple H!

Order of Hero's
Mayhem Guild
FILO -- (First in, Last out)

ugh.. Can't think right now--just got up. I'm sure once we 'PLAY' NWN, we'll have some kind of adventure that will give us a situation that will 'name' our guild.. like "The Beholder Busters" or something heheh..

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