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Old 08-22-2001, 11:06 AM   #11

Join Date: May 9, 2001
Location: The backwoods in Georgia *sigh*
Age: 40
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Originally posted by Diogenes Of Pumpkintown:
Not jumping on this bandwagon -- here is a brief commentary on these "principles" :

Rule # 1: This doesn't mean one should go out of one's way to screw over others and be generally unfair. One should strive to make life more fair -- oops, I suppose Gates can't reconcile that with his own approach to life and "success" though.

Rule # 2: One of my pet peeves is when people couch their own personal beliefs as what "the world" believes.

Rule # 3: Well, it is possible, just unusual. But so what? Is this where we applaud Mr. Gates profundity?

Rule # 4: Bosses and teachers both run the full spectrum from assholes to cool people, tough to lenient, etc.

Rule # 5: Yea, preach to them about the joys of minimum wage jobs Mr. Billionare.

Rule # 6: This says a lot about Mr. Gates own relatively easy path in life.

Rule # 7: Yea, call them trash who need to be deloused. Way to go on the motivational speech there Bill.

Rule # 8: Hmmm . . . I don't know, sounds like a lot of jobs out there, like some government positions.

Rule # 9: Right, corporations are only interested in you as a slave and only care about money. Isn't it great that they so largely dictate the structure of our society?

Rule # 10: Really, Bill? Damn, where would we be without your keen insight?

Rule # 11: One should strive to be nice to everyone, nerd or not, without the expectation that one will receive financial reward for doing so. Oh wait, Bill can't reconcile that with his own life either. Nevermind.
Is it me or did I notice a little bit of sarcasm?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just don't have to listen.

[This message has been edited by Redblueflare (edited 08-22-2001).]
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