Thread: School Daze
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Old 08-21-2001, 06:26 PM   #8
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: August 16, 2001
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Lower Saxony has had school since 2 weeks already and I have formed a theory: the teachers are trying to kill us. I mean, FOUR long term homework assignments in the first week? 35 periods a week when all the other classses have 31? Good God! And everybody told me 10th grade wasnt any harder than 9th grade... *sigh* well only 3 years to go (Germany gets 13 years of school) and Id better get started on that homework for tomorrow - or is that today oops half past twelve oh well ill do it before school. THAT should tell you everything about my attitude towards school. Only good thing - it was so hot (for German standars, around 28 degrees celsius but humid)that we got free because of heat twice. HA HA HA!!! (of cours most of you dont have school yet )
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