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Old 08-14-2001, 04:54 PM   #8
Lord Soth

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: Southern California
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Originally posted by trux:
This, unfortunately, is the way of Americans - adopt it (or steal it,) change it and dramatize it so the American Way is the ONLY way.

That's a funny answer for an American film production company to give, considering 75% of American movies end in the most off-the-wall, improbable and unrealistic manner some drivvle-writing screenwriter can imagine.

Well, like yourself Donut, I find this upsetting. Why they change a sport like football to baseball is beyond me - and the very fact that Americans adopted the word "football" for "that other" sport when it makes so little sense to call it that is also beyond me. I also dig Arsenal, and would rather see this story the way Hornby meant it to be.

If I didn't like American movies as much as you, I probably wouldn't see them so I didn't have to bi*ch and complain about it.

I gotta be honest, we don't get a whole lot of foreign films over here, but most of the ones I have seen are pretty good. I gotta give you guys some respect over there for Monty Python. Probably the best comedy ever (BTW, I hear talk that we AMERICANS are going to be remaking that too soon). I have also seen some wierd completely unentertaining crap that you guys call cinematic mastry. It all cuts both ways. Not every movie you guys turn out over there is first rate, and if you don't like ours, spare yourselves the anxiety and don't watch them.

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-General George Patton (1885-1945)

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