Thread: How's the heat?
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Old 08-10-2001, 06:32 PM   #15

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Lioness:
I have no AC, and I'm melting, melting, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
only I wish someone would throw a budket of water over me!
It's actually down to 90 today here in MA! YES!!!!

You poor kitty!
Here, I have something much better than a dousing of about a comfy spot on this loveseat under a vent blowing cold air...lots of good books within reach and the satellite T.V. as well...not good enough? There's an even comfier couch in the next room where you can watch just cable...still not good enough? Take your pick of beds in this house...every one sits in the path of an artic breeze! Or, you could do like the rest of the cats in this house and curl up on a number of tables and shelves that are also as cool as the prime spots I offered to begin with. The only room in this house that gets at all warm these days is the laundry room and that is because it is an add-on that doesn't have ventilation except from the outside.

Passing around a fresh tray of lemonade, iced water, teas and lemon squares to all who have to bear the heat/humidity.
