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Old 08-14-2001, 04:16 PM   #17

Join Date: May 9, 2001
Location: The backwoods in Georgia *sigh*
Age: 40
Posts: 2,151
If no one reads this soon, i'll have to put a paintball gun to a RL friends head. "Read or die!!!" Well there's always Ian but he isn't back yet. Why did all my reader buddies have to leave this year? Why?! Well if any is reading this i'm still open to suggestions. As always. Please reply if you do!
“That was easy enough.” Alan said when we were got back to the castle. He went straight into the ballroom and set down the bags he was carrying. Tk and I were right behind him. “Seems as if Maria is going all out this time.”
“My parents will probably be back tomorrow.” I said thoughtfully. “If my mother bought all this she intends to use it. I hope she comes back soon…”
“Me too.” Alan said. “I’m going to bed.”
“Already?” Flare asked surprised. “The sun just went down.”
“I’m going to bed.” Alan repeated. “The sooner I do that, the sooner the party will come. Now I’m itching to go”
“Point taken.” Tk said. “I’m turning in too.”
“I guess I’ll go to sleep as well.” I said. “Good night everyone.”

I woke up the next morning and rushed downstairs. I’d forgotten that I hadn’t eaten lunch or supper the day before, and my growling stomach was quick to remind me.
I hoped Tk was already up, because if she wasn’t she soon would be. To my delight I found my mother in the kitchen, chatting away with Tk. She immediately ran over and embraced me.
“How was your trip?’ I asked her.
“Wonderful.” She replied smiling. She told me exactly what had happened on her trip. My mother had the appearance of a young woman, with her long auburn hair, and smiling, almond shaped brown eyes. Icarians never age past a certain point, and I knew her to be a century old, maybe two. I listened to her story intently, but eventually my eyes shifted to the biscuits, sausage, and eggs, Tk had sat on the counter.
“Go ahead and eat.” My mother said. “I expect Alan to wake up to join us any minute.” She added knowingly.
Sure enough Alan walked right through the kitchen door, rubbing his eyes sleepily. As soon as he saw my mother he ran to embrace her, just as I, and Tk before me, had.
“How was your trip?” she teased. “What am I saying? I know you enjoyed it.”
“Boring.” Alan replied evenly. “And you know that I didn’t want to go.”
“True.” My mother said. “However it was necessary. Better safe than sorry. I wish you’d learn to understand that, so I could rest easier at night.” She laughed to let Alan know she was kidding, or at least half-kidding.
Alan didn’t have anything to say to that, and grabbed himself a plate of food.

After the three of us were done eating, my mother asked the question we all knew was coming. “Who’s going to help me decorate?”
“What’s the rush?” Alan asked. “We’ve got two days.”
“One.” My mother corrected. “I’ve moved up the date. Something important has come up.”
“And one day makes a difference?” Alan asked.
“It may.”
“Maria, where is Michael?” Tk asked.
“With Torch.” My mother replied. “He should be back soon.”
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“Nothing… yet.” My mother responded. She squeezed my hand gently. “No worrying is allowed, you are to enjoy yourselves tomorrow. Promise that you will, that all of you will.”
The three of us nodded, and that was good enough for her. “Then lets get to work.”

Work is exactly what we did. You’d be surprised how much stuff you can fit into six bags. We spent a whole four hours working in that ballroom. None of us minded that much. I’ve told you that my mother can make almost anything seem fun. Besides any complaints we might have had, (Excuse me, that Alan might have had.) melted when we saw the results of our hard work.
The ballroom had been almost completely transformed. The floor was now black. (My mother had given up on her no magic rule with the floor. To paint the thing black by hand would’ve taken up way to much time.) The tables were covered with silver tablecloths. The ceiling was covered by a full moon. Or what closely resembled one. A large, metallic, quarter moon hung a few feet below it. It was the candles though that gave it effect. The chandelier candles obviously had some magic in it. Even though it was the middle of the day outside, the candles gave the effect that you were under starlight. Not only that but they also caused the moons to shine like real moons.
“I don’t think anything in here is magical.” Alan said dryly.
“Sometimes you have to make exceptions Alan.” My mother replied.

My father did not return that day, or even that evening. There was no reason for me to worry, whatever the problem was, Torch and my father could take care of it in due time. Tk left the castle that night, telling me she had something important to do. Alan didn’t have much to say that night, (No doubt he was doing enough worrying for the both of us.) so I left him alone, and went to talk to my mother. She asked me what Tk and I had been up to. We chatted for almost two hours. My mother revealed nothing else about the problem Torch was having. I expected that. She wanted us to enjoy ourselves at the party and meant every word she said.
Chapter 9
Deep Feelings
“Krystal wake up.” Alan whispered late that night.
“Hmm?” I asked. I rolled over to the other side of the bed.
“Come on Krystal get up.” Alan repeated. He shook me gently. “I can’t sleep.”
“So I’m not allowed to sleep either?” I asked. Every time Alan couldn’t sleep he woke both Tk and myself up. “What time is it anyway?”
“Midnight I think.” Alan answered. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
I looked into his gold eyes, and remembered. My mother had moved the party up, so Alan’s lesson would have to be tonight. “Yes.” I replied. I got out of bed, and followed Alan downstairs to the ballroom.
Alan muttered something and the candles lit up, filling the room with dim light.
“Your mother showed me how to use them.” He explained.
“Oh.” I replied. I grabbed him and pulled him close to me. He immediately clasped my right hand in his left hand, and put his left hand right above my waist. I stared at him in surprise.
“Aren’t you going to show me the waltz?” he asked.
I nodded. “I was going to show you the pattern first.”
“Don’t worry.” Alan replied. “I’ll figure it out.”
I held back a sigh. If Alan was going to refuse my help, I was going to go back to sleep. I couldn’t hide my surprise when Alan began to move exactly as he was supposed to. Every step and turn was executed perfectly. “What’s this?” I asked raising an eyebrow. “I thought you couldn’t dance.”
“Tk may have shown me a few things a while back.” Alan admitted.
“Than why did you always refuse to dance with me?” I asked looking him right in the eyes.
He hesitated, and then said. “It always made me nervous, even to think about dancing with you.”
“Oh you!” I said. “There’s no need for you to be nervous around me!”
“You’re right.” Alan agreed. “That’s exactly what Tk said when I told her.”
“Tk! Did she put you up to this?”
Alan nodded. “I probably wouldn’t have excepted your offer if she hadn’t.”
I giggled, and silently praised Tk for making me ask Alan here in the first place. “Alan there is something I want to tell you. I can’t find the words so I’m going to show you what I mean.” I bent him down over my arm, and leaned down to kiss him. Alan grew tense so I stopped. The two of us stood in that awkward position for a few seconds, just staring at each other.
“Well, weren’t you going to show me something?” Alan asked this time with obvious eagerness.
I did kiss him then, long and softly. The feeling of my lips against his made me feel warm and tingly all over.
“Well that just about sums it up.” Alan said in a distant tone. He began to sway, and I hugged him tightly. I feared he would fall over, it seemed as if he would melt against me.
“You could’ve just said I love you.” He added. “I love you. Is that so hard?”
I shook my head. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He replied gently. “You can let me go now. I won’t fall.”
I released him and he nearly toppled over. I caught him and pulled him back to his feet, and embraced him again, laughing all the while.
“If you’re going to have this kind of affect on me, I’m not kissing you again ever.” Alan said dryly.
I kissed him again. “You will get used to it.” I told him. “Are you tired yet?” I asked him. It was becoming difficult for me to hold my eyes open.
“No.” Alan replied.
I groaned. I was exhausted for some reason. Besides I had to get up early to help my mother and Tk cook for three hundred people. “Yes.” I replied sternly. “I have to get up early, and can’t stay up to entertain you all night. ”
“If you’re tired than go to sleep.” Alan said. I could tell by his tone that he didn’t want me to leave him up all night.
I grabbed Alan’s hand and pulled him upstairs to his room. I chanted the most powerful sleep spell I knew right in Alan’s ear. I expected him to fall right into my arms asleep, but he just stood staring at me. Please work. I thought to myself. You’d be surprised how much of a child Alan could be when he couldn’t sleep.
“What was that supposed t…” Alan began. Thank goodness he never got to finish. The sleep spell had finally to take effect. He fell right into my arms just as I had hoped for. I carried him to his bed and covered him in blankets.
“Sweet dreams.” I said. I went into my own room for some needed sleep. I’d done everything I needed to do this night.

Chapter 10
Spice Of Life (Tk)

“Wake up you.” I said. I shook Alan gently at first and then harder. He still didn’t wake up. Than I used my preferred method. I snatched off his bed sheets and fanned him with them. That got him out of bed.
“You could’ve just shook me.” Alan said glaring at me.
“I tried.” I told him. “You should be happy I didn’t hit you with the pillow.”
“That’s always a plus.” Alan said sarcastically. He looked out the window, and saw the sun just starting to set. “What time is it?”
“A half hour to six.” I told him. “If you don’t start to get ready, you’re going to be late to your own party. Everyone except you is almost ready.”
“Why didn’t anyone wake me up?” Alan wailed.
“We tried.” I told him. “Seems Krystal may have overdid it with her sleep magic this time.”
“Where is she?”
“She’s getting dressed as we speak.” I answered. “You better go take a bath. Your water is ready, and your suit is in the bathroom.”
“Thanks.” Alan replied, his voice grateful.
“Don’t mention it.” I said. He would’ve done the same thing for me if I were in his situation.

Krystal had told me everything that had happened the night before. I was ecstatic for those two. I knew they would be perfect for each other. Krystal’s gentleness and perceptiveness, were dents in Alan’s armor of stubbornness. She was just what Alan needed. There was no doubt in my mind that she would eventually pull him all the way out of his shell. Perhaps the two of them would even marry one day, although that may be jumping just a bit to far ahead.
I’d told Krystal where I had gone the night before. I had gone to Draco’s house, to ask him to be my date. Krystal hardly believed that me when I told her. Draco hardly believed it, and thought I was joking. No, I was perfectly serious. Draco had of course asked me to the party as soon as he heard about it. As usual I refused, and then when I thought about it I realized going with him would be a pleasant change. There were things I liked about Draco. He was handsome with short brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He was always polite and courteous to me. Just like a gentleman. Besides there was no denying that I didn’t enjoy the attention he always gave me. I thought it was sweet of him to do so. To be completely honest, I could hardly believe that I’d asked him myself. I felt the urge to tell I changed my mind. I ignored it though. Going with Draco may be an enjoyable experience. Can you imagine that? I might actually enjoy going with him. It was a chance I was willing to take.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just don't have to listen.
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