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Old 08-13-2001, 11:00 AM   #16

Join Date: May 9, 2001
Location: The backwoods in Georgia *sigh*
Age: 40
Posts: 2,151
Thanks Memnoch! I thought the perspective change would show a differences between everyone. It will change between four people. (Five maybe.) It keeps the story interesting. I've got a whole lot to post. So any replies would be appreciated. If you read some of it please reply. At least I know *someone* read it!

"Shouldn’t we go ahead and buy decorations?” Alan asked.
“You’re right we should.” I told him. By the time mother gets back she won’t have time to do it herself. But where would we look?” I asked him.
“We could all take a trip to the ma…” He stopped suddenly, but I already knew what he was going to say. “I’ve been in that other dimension to long.” He said laughing, and soon all of us joined in. “Alright you guys are going to have to give me a little time to get into the swing of things.” Alan added.
“We know.” Tk said wiping the tears from her eyes.
“I’m sure there has to be a shop that sells decorations.’ I said. “Mother has to get them from somewhere.”
“We’re not doing anything.” Alan complained. “Lets go looking.”
“You want to go shopping?” I asked amazed.
“Better than listening to some idiot talk about food.” He replied.
“Hey…” Flare began.
“I was just kidding.” Alan said. “So that settles it then lets go.”
“With us dressed like this?” Tk asked. “We’ll go back to the castle first.”

“You’re going to wear that?” Red asked when I came out of my room.
“What’s wrong with this?” I asked. I was wearing a red dress. It went all the way down to my ankles. White rose patterns were all over the dress. I also had a silk scarf with the exact same color and pattern that I wrapped around my waist. The dress wouldn’t stay on any other way. Other than that there was nothing special about it.
“We’re going to a shop, not a fashion show.”
“Ha ha.” I said. I hadn’t intended to get that dress. I grabbed the first thing I saw, and the dress just happened to be it.
“Besides it looks tight on you. It hugs your curves to much.”
Tight? I wondered. I had to use that scarf just to keep the dress around my waist. Something told me the dragon was out to bother me and was doing a darn good job of doing so. I went inside my room to change again. This time I came out with my usual outfit, red leggings that went all the way up to my waist, a white shirt with a red vest over it, and gloves with the fingers missing. “Better?” I asked him when I opened the door.
“A little bit.” Red said. That twinkle was in his fiery eyes again. “You’ve got a thing for red don’t you?”
“Listen you...” I began. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the whole thing. “Everything will be closed if we don’t get going.”
“Ah, but I bet any shop will be more than willing to open for their lovely princess.” Red commented.
“Thanks.” I said. “But I’d rather they be open. Lets go.”

“No balloons.” Alan muttered. “You can’t have a party without balloons.”
I rolled my eyes. “Which is my point exactly. We’re having a ball not a party.”
“Would you shut up about the balloons!” Tk said laughing. “What is with you and balloons?”
“I just like balloons.” Alan said smiling.
“Forget the balloons.” Tk answered. “Why waste time complaining about something you can’t have?”
All six of us were in Cashera, the capital of Kenton. Cashera is the one of the largest cities in the entire world. Cashera is built in the shape of a diamond. It is a place where all of the world’s goodly races mingle. Including the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Mystics. The Mystics are a cat like race of people with long tails and ears. They are very lean and nimble. I’ve seen many leap to incredible heights. Mystics are extremely fun loving and curious, and have a natural affinity for magic, as well as nature. The Icarians and the Mystics have been friendly towards one another for over a millennium. That’s a long time isn’t it?
In the east part of Cashera there are a huge section of docks. There are large wooden buildings used for storage. These are all over the place, and are guarded day and night when full. Our waters were always full of ships during the trading ships. At busy times like these, you would find at least fifty ships constantly coming back and forth. There were nearly thrice as many smaller ships, although they were mostly fishing boats. The docks are by far the oldest part of the city, and have been here for almost seven thousand years.
All the taverns and inns were in the south side of town. There were only two that I knew well. The Iron Maiden was a tavern (No, I have no idea why it’s called that.) that Alan’s father used to frequent all the time. The barkeep Adam Morgain was one of his closest friends. It’s a wooden tavern with a window on every side. There’s a huge two-handed sword with the words “The Iron Maiden.” on it. If you were downwind from the place you could just follow your nose. The smell of whiskey, mead, ale, and pipe smoke is carried through all of south side on windy days.
The other place I know well is the Red Dragon Inn. It’s a two story, red brick inn. On its roof there’s an image of a red dragon, much to Torch’s likeness. The inside is beautiful. The floors are marble, and candles and lamps are all over. There is a large stain glass window, again in Torch’s likeness. There are several flowerpots which are filled with daisies, posies, and especially lavender. There is a long red carpet that goes from the twin wooden doors up to the counter. There are several paintings. Most of them are of dragons, but there are a few of us. My favorite by far, is a picture of everyone who helped build the inn. In it are my parents and I, Alan, Tk, and their parents, the innkeepers and their only child, Torch, and several other people who you don’t know. Other than that the first story is actually more of a house. It has a kitchen, three bedrooms, and a bathroom. The Red Dragon is nearly always busy, and the two innkeepers, Merelda and Joseph Algean decided to build their house inside of it. Their son Draco is one of our closest friends. He’s two years older than all of us, and is an accomplished street fighter. Or was. Before Draco’s parents started the inn Draco did whatever he could to help out his family. Seven years ago his house was falling apart and his father was without a job. It didn’t take long before he realized he could fight quite well, and earn a little money doing so.
Tk caught wind of this, and she above all of us dislikes needless fighting. She decided to have a word with him. That didn’t end well. Draco was convinced he had no reason to listen to a girl two years younger than he. Tk ended up beating Draco. Which successfully ended his street-fighting career. Tk asked my father if he could give the Algean’s the gold to rebuild their house. My father always going overboard with his generosity gave them more than enough to start the inn. It wasn’t until much later, when Draco started to see Tk as a potential girlfriend. Tk is the girl of his dreams, or so he says. He’s convinced that she will someday be his wife. Unfortunately for him, his wiles and charm have proven to be ineffective against Tk. I know for a fact that she appreciates the attention he gives her.

All the houses and schools are in the west side of town. Houses look how their owners want them to look. Because of this, very few houses, if any, look alike. The west side contains my least favorite buildings, schools. I realize that we Icarians go to school much for far less time than other races. We only attend school for three years, four times less than humans in some dimensions. (Like the one Alan was stuck in.) Some of the subjects were interesting. Alchemy and history were among my favorites. Most of them though were borrowed from other dimensions. Algebra, Calculus, and Physics were among these. I wouldn’t have minded learning that stuff if I was actually going to need it. Odds were that I would never, ever, in my entire life use physics. Icarians rarely if ever go to another dimension to make a living, and even if we did, most of us wouldn’t want to go through college to put that knowledge to use.
To the north of the city are the two guilds, and council building. The fighters guild is built in the shape of a pyramid. The only name I know for it is the Beruda. The Beruda is built of a black material so shiny you’d think it was glass. I’ve never actually been in there myself, only students are allowed in. Kanon, the prime fighting instructor there, was also a close friend of Alan’s father. Other than that I don’t know much about her.
The Tower of the Magi is just as it sounds, a tower of mages. Just like the Beruda only students are allowed in. It stands about sixteen stories, perhaps a little more or less. On every story there are eight windows, one for each direction. At the top of the tower there is an onion shaped golden dome, covered with ancient runes and figures. I hope to attend someday, although I seriously doubt they’ll be able to teach me anything beyond Torch’s knowledge.
The last building is the meeting place of the Council of Nine. The Council of Nine decides on anything that is considered too important for my parents to decide alone. My parents don’t see the council as a limit on their power. They have convinced the council that their course was the right one to take. I only know a few people in the council my parents, Kanon, and Wendy and Jared Delray. Wendy and Jared brother and sister, two graduates from the Tower of the Magi. Both of Alan’s parents use to be on the council.

Last but not is the center of the city. The center contained all of the cities markets, and shops. All day long you could smell baked goods, fresh fruit, and other food. Most of the shops were open-air, while only a few were inside of buildings. You could buy anything you would wanted, as long as you came before seven p.m. At that time every shop closed their doors, or packed up, for the night. On the other hand every shop did open at seven in the morning. Twelve hours of shopping is plenty of time.
Chapter 8
The six of us walked in front of Pete Lassisters shop to see a closed sign in the window. “Pete is closed at this hour?” Alan asked. The sun was just starting to set.
As if on cue the door swung open. “Princess, I’ve been expecting you!” Pete Lassiter said when we stepped into his shop. Pete was almost seven feet tall and always wore a feathered hat over his bald head. He kept his goatee neatly shaven. “You’re mother told me you’d stop by.” He added. “She’s already picked out everything she needs.”
I had expected as much and reached for my purse.
Pete shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. She’s already paid.” He reached behind his counter and lifted six cloth bags onto it.
“All this?” Alan asked.
“All this.” Pete replied. “Hello to you too Alan! Weren’t you going to say anything to me?”
“Nope.” Alan said smiling.
Pete reached for something behind the counter, and hurled it at Alan in mock anger.
Alan was prepared for this (They two of them were old friends after all.) and caught it right out of the air. “That’s no way to treat a paying customer.” He said tossing it, which was a ball of clay back to Pete.
“Not bad.” Pete said.
“You’re coming to the party aren’t you?” Alan asked.
“Of course I’ll be there.” Pete answered. “As soon as I get this place cleaned up.”
I took a look around Pete’s shop. The place was in shambles. Racks had fallen to the floor, taking all their items down with them. Glass and other debris was everywhere and Pete’s main window had a small hole in it.
“What happened?” Tk asked.
“I opened my son’s Whirlwind in a Bottle!” Pete said laughing. “Serves me right eh!”

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just don't have to listen.
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