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Old 07-23-2001, 11:24 PM   #10

Posts: n/a
LOL Ramon!
We were thinking he might be a German Shepherd mix because of the coloring of his coat (white toes excluded) but he is so danged short for having such big feet! During one of his growth spurts, he actually got really long before he got tall and looked like some freak daschund!
Everyone who sees him face to face says there is definitely something pit bull about his eyes (even though he has a long jowl) but then he has all this extra skin, once you get up to his forehead and back that seems to be charpei. He certainly has the charpei instincts and the intelligence to equal any of the three breeds. We just know absolutely nothing of his bloodline and are left to only guess.
This pic shows up really clear in Netscape as opposed to IE! Anyonw know why that is? Isn't IE supposed to be the better browser or is that said just because Netscape is so derned slow?

I used to be deathly afraid of dogs until I met my brother in law's German Shepherd...that dog had such a human look in his eyes. He was an excellent companion to me for many years as I got to keep him at my home for quite some time before he developed a tumor in his tail and was sent to Phoenix for surgery. After his surgery, I went to visit him and he ran up to me in the yard after he made a very audible "Awww!" sound upon seeing me, and jumped up on me hugging me so tightly around the neck!!!! I have never had a better friend in any dog and doubt that I ever will.



[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 07-23-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 07-23-2001).]