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Old 07-24-2001, 05:42 PM   #6

Join Date: March 29, 2001
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Originally posted by Bahamut:
hey ED,

It would be useless whatever the stars do. They are OLD. they have to make a revamp. I think they did... but if you put Pierre with Joe and some other guy, it would be useless. Put him with Modano, now you're talking...

but I believe in Hartley's philosophy that every line should play, and he makes them all well- balanced, so maybe I will be looking for a Nieuwendyk-Turgeon, whatever combo...

Avalanche, with Forsberg, Sakic, Roy, and now Blake, will send the Stars packing... but to be fair, I'd rather say the Redwings, who piss me off. They just plain piss me off... with their stupid uniforms too... Stars also, for they blanked the Avs the season before they won the Cup...

But, with Hasek now with Detroit, hmm... I dunno. Would it make any difference? Hasek is old also, lost his edge so to speak... that is the difference with Roy. They all lose their edges, but Hasek lost his skill so to speak...

jagr? Who gives a sh*t, Lindros too, they can both go to hell for all I care..

ROFL!! "There stupid uniforms" LOL! Yeah what the hell is a red wing anyway?

But hey come on, this is JAMIOR JAGR wear a talking about here, what if he was to go to Colorodo, or NJ, or even Dallas, then you would care. I am ganna watch the Caps the season just to see Jagr. I dont give a crap about Oaf Kolzig. Or....or...or...umm.. I am blank


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