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Old 07-05-2001, 10:43 AM   #7
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Airstrip One
Age: 40
Posts: 5,571
Originally posted by Davros:
OK, this Aussie got 80% on his American History test (see other thread by AngelofDeath), even if he was shown up by a cinnamon sugared pastry on a couple of occasions - so my turn for Australiana questions :

1) What day is Australia day 26TH JANUARY to celebrate the day in 1788 when Arthur Phillip landed in Sydney

2) Where were the first houses of parliment for the Commonwealth of Australia located GUESS MELBOURNE

3) What is the native habitat for a West Coast Eagle COASTAL CLIFFS?

4) What significant event occurred on July 21st 1969 THE MOON LANDING - ARE YOU CLAIMING CREDIT FOR THAT?

5) Where are the "Darling Ranges" A RANGE OF HILLS NEAR PERTH

6) When was the last time that the Australian Walllabies won a Rugby test series against the British Lions HA HA HA TRICK QUESTION - NEVER HAPPENED!

8) Who holds the :

a) Rugby World Cup
b) Rugby League World Cup
c) Cricket World Cup BAH!
d) Netball World Cup
e) Davis Cup

9) Who is "The Battler's Prince" SOME FAT WOMBAT WHO WAS A MASCOT

10) Who bowled "The Gatting Ball". THE PILSBURY DOUGH MAN

Looking forward to some answers

I struggled a bit with number 7 You need to brush up on theose numeracy skills.

BTW - that' s not a history test, we would class that as 'recent events'


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