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Old 07-05-2001, 02:15 PM   #32
Ramon de Ramon y Ramon
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Age: 52
Posts: 1,517
I am not American either, but a challege is a challenge, so I have given it a try and resisted the temptation to conduct some research before answering. Thus these are my results "off the top of my head" and I beg your pardon for the gaps in my knowledge.

Test your knowledge, and I'll post the results later

* * *
The following questions were posed to 17 shoppers at the Mall

1. Q. Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July?
- the Continental Congress issued the declaration of independence on Juli 4th, 1776

2. Q. From which country did America gain independence?
- That one was the toughest of them all: after struggling with myself for hours I managed to narrow the choices down to: Rwanda, Malawi, the Cayman Islands, Malta and the UK. At this point I was just forced to guess and ended up somehow with the UK. The Cayman Islands would have been cooler: I would love to speak some Caymanese once in a while !

3. Q. Which river did George Washington and his troops cross in a surprise attack during the Revolutionary War?
- Here I was truly forced to guess. I think it was either the Potomac or the Delaware and I would rather pick the latter. Isn't there a very famous painting depicting that event ?

4. Q. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
- Almost sure it was in the Philadelphia.

5. Q. What are the three 'unalienable rights' afforded to us by the Declaration of Independence?
- pursue of personal happiness
- legal prosecution only through due process and by a jury of peers ?
- no taxation without representation ?

6. Q. How many stripes are on the American flag?
- 13, one for each of the original founding members states

7. Q. Who wrote the words to the "Star Spangled Banner?"
- I really have no idea: Walt Whitman ? Not really, I am afraid, that would have been about 100 years too late. My knowledge of early American patriotic poetry is, uh, rather limited ...

8. Q. What country gave us the Statue of Liberty?
- France

9. Q. Who was the first president of the United States?
- George Washington

10. Q. Which came first: the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence?
- the Declaration of Independence

So long !

R³ - proud to be the official spokesman for the most noble Lady Bilqis, Desert Rose of Ironworks

Btw, the cow is queuing in the slaughterhouse right now !
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