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Old 07-04-2001, 08:07 AM   #34
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: March 12, 2001
Location: Birmingham, West Mid\'s, England
Age: 87
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Originally posted by Sazerac:
Yes, but interestingly enough, I think everyone has missed the jist of RudeDawg's post in the first place, which was that "high school politics" seem to be creeping into people's interactions here on the forum and in messaging. Which is DEFINITELY not cool.

I watched them...all these former "jocks" and "cheerleaders" and "Bright People" who had made my life and so many of my friends lives living HE** for four years...some of them were gas station attendants, others were clerks in stores, some of the girls had 4 kids and broken marriages...

and I stood there, having just gotten a Ph.D. and looking at a future in teaching higher education in a different state, while they were still trapped in Monroe, and I shook my head and thought, "And at one time I actually let what you people thought of me AFFECT me?!"

and I walked out.

Call me petty, call me boorish, call me whatever you like. I walked out, and I did NOT look back.

I won't be returning for my 20th reunion this year. Whatever healing I've done I've done on my own.

Good for you, Sazerac! I would never want to know any of the kids I went to school with! I used to be desperate for friends - but yuck! I'm SO glad I was a misfit!
Reading the posts in this thread, and in many others, it seems to me that most of us were/are misfits! We 'march to a different tune' and hey! - am I glad we do!

Yeah, I got the point of RudeDawgs post re: the forum, too. But I don't think I have trodden on his toes - I hope, 'cos I'm sorta fond of him - so felt it best not to ask (I did in the original thread that vanished, but decided not to repeat it).


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