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Old 07-03-2001, 07:26 PM   #19
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: March 12, 2001
Location: Birmingham, West Mid\'s, England
Age: 87
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Originally posted by Moni:
You know, Fljotsdale, I am pretty shy myself and a lot of people have considered me to be a snob because of it.
I don't let it hurt me though because if these people aren't going to take the time or make the effort to get to know me, then it is their loss. Some people would rather just consider you a snob and write you off than to make the effort and find out they were wrong.
Shy people have to reach out to others if they are going to break that stereotype hard as it is, once the ice is broken, making friends with people becomes easier. It is just that breaking of the ice stage that I can't get past sometimes even now.


Yes, shy people DO have to do the reaching out - but it SO much harder for them than it is for anyone else, lol! I started when I was 15. I just couldn't tolerate the thought of going through the rest of my life being afraid to talk to people! So I started saying 'hello' to old ladies at the bus stop. (The first time was SO difficult! I made lots of false starts at different times before I finally managed a 'hello'!). It was all I needed to say, too! The old ladies ALWAYS chatted away quite happily and I only needed to say 'mm' from time to time to keep the conversation going, lol!
People who know or meet me now have no idea how shy I was. I still feel a hint of it if I have to converse with a shy person, but I find I can keep a conversation going and let THEM say 'mm', now! Also, asking for an opinion encourages them to respond a little more - even if only to say 'I don't know' - and to feel you are interested, giving them more confidence to respond.
Anyway, I have bags of confidence now and can chat to anybody. Too much, probably. I will turn into a garrulous old lady....... Um. I guess I already AM a garrulous old lady, lol!


[This message has been edited by Fljotsdale (edited 07-03-2001).]
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