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Old 07-03-2001, 03:24 PM   #15

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Conan:
Having brothers or sisters that went before you could make or brake some of your class grades. Expectations were either lowered or raised before you even steped one foot into school.
Man, isn't that the truth! I had a teacher in H.S. take me aside in the hallway for returning the middle finger to a student in his class and ask me just who I thought I was.
I answered, I'm just me! If your students want to flip me off during your class, I'm going to give it back. Maybe you should keep a closer eye on your students!"
He asked me what my name was and when I answered him his mouth fell open and he stuttered lol telling me that he did not believe for one minute that I was even related to that family!
So I told him, "Well, I don't dress up like a Barbie doll and come to school, play your games and then go home, change into jeans and fist fight with my brother (in his comaprison of me to my older sister). What you see is what you get (jeans and t-shirts, no make-up and uncurled hair ) and if you ever have me in any of your classes, you'll see that I am just as good a student, if not better than my sister...I just don't play games. You don't like the way I look or act, that is your problem!"
(being shy did not keep me from speaking my mind when someone wanted a confrontation lol)
I ended up having him for two classes the next year and boy did his attitude ever change when he realized just how intelligent and fast I was. I had finished the whole class halfway through the year and used the rest of the time there to catch other kids up and do word puzzles and mazes that he would time me on.
I broke all records he had previously documented and he was sorry to see me leave.

