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Old 07-03-2001, 10:23 AM   #11

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Originally posted by Moridin:

Your cat's are so adorable! I have two myself (the max that my apartment will allow ) I am glad you found a new home for "E V"!

I think my grandparents still hold the record for most cats (at least that I have seen). Last count my grandfather took was 53 They started with 5 cats about 7-8 years ago. Put them in an old barn and fed them leftovers from meals every day and **POOF** now they own the barn....and the funny part is, my grandfather is the only one that can go near them. If anyone else goes out to the barn, the cats scatter and hide, but my grandfather goes out there and they all come out and purr and rub his leg. I truly think it is the only thing that has kept my grandfather going these last couple of years

Thanks Moridin!
Wow! I thought we were bad with ten!
I can see though having lots in a barn...all of ours are indoor/outdoor kitties with their own access to the outside through our back door.
Bubba is exclusively Grandpa's cat and sits in his lap for the most part of every day. He even sleeps at Grandpa's feet at night. I truly believe that without him around, Grandpa would not do as well as he does having him as such a personal pet. Hillary, when she stays indoors, hangs with Grandpa too, as does Maggie. he raised them all (including William) from kittens. I just recently found an old photo album with pics of them as babies in it but I gave it to Rex's mom. I should borrow and scan the pics.



[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 07-03-2001).]